Math Field Day and the Crazy Day!
Every year, our elementary school district holds a "Math Field Day" competition. Michael was so excited to discover he made the Math Field Day Team. After a month of practices, Michael was ready!
On Saturday, February 21, he arrived at the competition bright and early. He worked with his team on a variety of tasks and took several tests. I arrived at 11:30 am for the award ceremony. All the students were honored for making the math field day teams. Michael's team of 4 was selected out of 100 students at his elementary school. Then the team awards were presented.
Unfortunately, Michael's team did not place in the top 4 slots in any category this year. I was expecting quite a few tears, but Michael was such a good sport. I could tell he was disappointed, but he did not harp on it, or complain. He said he had a really good time and enjoyed being there. I am so proud of him! Michael showed a maturity neither of his older brothers exhibited at the same age.
You may be asking yourself why I titled this post "The Crazy Day," because it doesn't sound crazy. Well, this was just a small portion of the day. Let me tell you about the rest of the day.
John had to work on Saturday, February 21. Although overtime is always appreciated, particularly in this difficult economy, it seemed that everything in our family fell on that day!
We have attended the Amgen Tour of California (cycling) for the past 2 years, because it makes a stop in our city (Santa Clarita). This year, Lance Armstrong was joining the Tour of CA, making it bigger and better! John has followed cycling for as long as I've known him, so this was a neat opportunity to see Lance Armstrong in person. As he works in Santa Monica, that wasn't going to happen. Also, we've really enjoyed this event as a family and were a bit disappointed that we would not be able to enjoy it this year.
On top of that, it was the quarterly Primary activity for our ward. It was a great activity! The kids and their families were invited for fun activities including family photos and a free pizza lunch! However, the activity started at 11:00 am, and I needed to be at Michael's award ceremony at 11:30 am. The Primary President was kind enough to encourage me to go to Michael's competition, and my good friend, Karen, was kind enough to take my place at the activity. I went at 10:00 to set up with A.J. and David and left at 11:15 to go to MFD. I arrived back at the ward building just before 1:00 pm (in time to pick up AJ and David).
Then I headed home and crashed on the couch for a couple of hours. That night, our ward was having a sweetheart's dance for the adults. By the time John got home at 7:00 pm, he was too tired to dance. Instead, we went out for a lovely dinner at Salt Creek Grill.
Even though it was a bit busy, it was a very good day.