I've Embarked Upon a New Adventure...

I have a new calling (job/assignment) at church. I've been called as the Relief Society President of our ward (congregation). Honestly, I thought that if I was ever asked to be RS President, it wouldn't be for many, many more years (if ever). For my non-LDS friends, the Relief Society is the largest women's organization in the world and is dedicated to compassionate service and relieving the suffering of those enduring trials in their lives. This calling can involve a great deal of time and effort, often as much as a full time job. As with all ward callings, these are unpaid, but the blessings are incomparable.
I feel quite humbled and inadequate to be taking on this responsibility. I see many of my imperfections and am sure others can point out even more of them. I take great comfort in my testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by a prophet and other inspired leaders. If I am the individual who has been called to serve in this capacity, the Lord will help me accomplish the things that need to be done.
I have also been blessed with a wonderful family who are very supportive. I am especially grateful for my loving husband, without whom I would not be able to fulfill even an iota of my responsibilities.
If you want to know more about why I feel the way I do, please visit the following websites: