Elder Quentin L. Cook
This Sunday, May 2, Elder Quentin L. Cook is visiting our stake and holding a special stake conference. What an opportunity this is for my children! An Apostle of Jesus Christ is coming to speak to us!
"An Apostle?" you may ask. Yes, just as in Biblical times, the organization of Jesus Christ's church has been restored to the Earth, and there are Apostles and Prophets as in olden times. And one of those Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ will be here Sunday, at 10:00 am at our stake center. I'll be there, front and center, listening intently!
John, Michael, and I will also be singing in the choir.
If you want to go, please email me, and I'll give you all the info. If you want to know more about the restored church, please visit http://mormon.org or http://jesuschrist.lds.org.