We matched one day for church.

Mouth Off
John downloaded an app for the iphone called "Mouth Off." Basically, if you put the iphone up to your mouth and talk, you can select a "mouth," and it will move as you speak. John wanted to video me using it, so I put it up to my mouth as I called upstairs to Jacob asking if he wanted to come with us to the scripture mastery on Sunday evening. I couldn't keep a straight face.
Our stake held their annual Scripture Mastery last night at the stake center. "Scripture Mastery" is a friendly competition to see how well the early morning seminary classes have learned the scriptures this school year. During the four years of high school, seminary students study: The Old Testament, The New Testament, The Book of Mormon, and The Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price.
There are 25 "scripture mastery" scriptures from the scriptural work being studied which the students are encouraged to learn, memorize, and internalize, so that they may apply them to their daily lives.
This year, the seminary students studied the Book of Mormon. The scripture mastery scriptures this year are located at this link:
David had a great time participating last night. His team did very well and during the individual face-off, he made the final four. We're so proud of him!
Here are a few photos and a couple of videos.
Special Stake Conference with Elder Quentin L. Cook, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
We had a special stake conference with Elder Cook on May 2. It was fantastic! I took pages of notes and thought I'd share a bit with you.
President Lindberg
Sister Janine Wilson
Elder Jerryl Garns
Elder Quentin L. Cook
Women's body image and spirituality
Several of my facebook friends posted this video yesterday and today. It is about a young women who survived a plane crash:her struggles and joys. It is worth the 8 1/2 minutes to watch it.
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