Thursday, July 29, 2010

David's AP Test Scores

David took 2 AP classes last school year: Chemistry and Calculus. His scores were in the stack of mail when we returned from vacation. He got a 3 on his Chemistry test and a 5 (out of 5) on his Calculus test! That's like earning an A+ in college Calculus. We are so proud of him!


RachelAA said...

That's seriously amazing!!!!!!!

brookeisacrazylady said...

wow. he is smart!!! i cried in high school calculus, does that count? so is he going to be a doctor or an engineer?

Laurie Nguyen said...

He's talking about engineering. We'll see.

Cate said...

I really think his success is due to the fact that I taught him in Primary! Wow that kid is growing up! Congrats!

Amber said...

That is AWESOME!!! Way to go David. That takes some serious smarts to accomplish.