David graduated from high school on Monday night. Because his overall gpa was over 4.0, he wore a special gold graduation robe and received a medal. It was a really nice ceremony.
A.J.'s school had a carnival last Saturday. Michael, A.J., John, my mom, and I attended. They had a lot of fun activities for the kids. It was a lot of fun.
A.J.'s school had an open house and art fair last week. There were so many wonderful things to see demonstrating A.J.'s hard work this school year. Here are a few highlights.
David, my once little (now taller than me) David, is graduating from high school on Monday. This week the school held a senior awards ceremony.
David was honored in several categories, including: AP Scholar with Honor, Exceptional Achievement in Math (one of 3 seniors honored), Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, and Outstanding Academic Excellence (David is ranked 30th out of his entire graduating class!).
We are so proud of you, David! You've worked hard, and it's paid off. Enjoy this summer before you go to the "Y" and work (and play) even harder!
Michael has finally reached that ripe old age of 14. As such, he is able to go to church dances. David took him to his first one. I took a picture to commemorate the occasion.
AJ is quite the artist. He made this flip book out of sticky notes, then he asked me to record him flipping through it so I could share it on the blog. Here is the video.
Michael turned 14 on May 5. We had a little family celebration.
Michael begged me to tell him what I got him for his birthday. He was upset, because I didn't buy him anything on his "list." I explained that his birthday list was a guideline, not a shopping list. :)
Right before Michael received his gift, we told him it was a combination birthday and finishing junior high gift.
For the past few years, our family has volunteered on Mormon Helping Hands day in Southern California. This year, we weeded and put down mulch along a bike path in the city where we live.
The kids worked hard along with the other volunteers and we finished in less than 2 hours. (4 hours were scheduled to do the project.) Way to go, Volunteers!