Sunday, July 14, 2013


It's been over a decade since I last gardened.  I decided now was the time to take the plunge, so, after I was released as Relief Society President, I planted some vegetables in our backyard (and side yard).  Here are some pictures.  (Hopefully, I will have a wonderful crop, so I can can my bounty!)

An overview of the backyard garden.

An overview of the side yard garden.

Detailed Pictures.

See this huge tomato plant (which is taking over my planting bed)?  (Including the other tomato plant and red pepper plant next to it.)

This is the only tomato on it!  I've been trying a few things I read on the Internet to increase the number of tomatoes, but I guess this plant (an heirloom variety) really doesn't like the hot weather we've been having. 

This much smaller tomato plant (a roma) has over 20 tomatoes on it already.  
I guess the hybrid plants really do produce more in our hot climate.

 Zucchini plant

Spaghetti Squash and another tomato plant.

Pumpkin plant.  (You may be asking, "What's the white stuff on the ground around it?"  Well, pill bugs (roly polys) were eating it.  This "white stuff" is corn meal which they do not like.  So, my plant will hopefully start thriving!)

Another heirloom tomato plant (Mr. Stripey - a cool looking yellow and red striped tomato).

Green beans.  
I have a tomato cage and green "mesh" around it to stop the rabbits from eating it (they love it).  
So far, so good.

Another tomato plant.  
The pill bugs liked this one too, hence the cornmeal on the ground around the plant.

Broccoli (from seed).  
I need to thin it out, but haven't yet.  
Hopefully, I will have some lovely broccoli relatively soon.

 A sweet pepper plant.

A sweet, red pepper plant.

Spinach (from seed).  
A friend of mine said it grows great here in southern California.  
It's doing wonderfully so far!

Another tomato plant. 


Japanese Eggplant.

I'm having a lot of fun so far tending to my garden.  It's good exercise and hopefully will allow me to have tons of canned tomatoes.  My goal is to have enough tomatoes that I don't need to buy any canned tomatoes at all for the next year (until my crop next year begins to ripen).

Wish me luck!


Mindy said...

Bravo! The only thing I can grow is green onions in a cup of water on a windowsill. :-)